StrangeCo News: HOWTO nominated for awards, more festivals, Cassetteboy, and more…
Apologies for the silence, it’s been kind of a busy time.
Here’s a quick round-up of what’s going on at SC right now:
Award Nominations
HOWTO: Demon Summoning has been nominated for two awards at the Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival!
We’re in the running for Best Comedy and Best Visual Effects.
The awards will be decided on December 5th - fingers crossed!
Things That Happened
Hugh spoke at “Copyright Reform: The Implications One Year On” in Bournemouth, alongside folk like Cassetteboy, Pirate Party MP Asta Helgadottir, and some seriously eminent legal minds. Great event and exciting times for UK copyright: given the calls for transformative use protection in the UK, we might yet see an era of free creation in game-based Machinima! The talk was recorded, and I’ll provide a link when it’s available.
HOWTO: Demon Summoning continues its festival run, with screenings at Lillifest in St Louis and TBUFF, as mentioned above.
HOWTO also showed at Edinburgh-local event Thistle Film Night, and organiser Simon Fox interviewed him afterward about the making of HOWTO. We’ve got the video of that, and I’ll be sending a link out to folk on my mailing list shortly!
Things That Are In The Process Of Happening
Shambler (the project formerly known as DANGEROUS TREASURES) is in the final sound design stages. Hoping to get it out this year! It’s looking awesome, as you can see above.
Cellar And Tower is next in the queue after DANGEROUS TREASURES. It’s picture-locked, just waiting on sound, music, and some final visual effects.
Carcosa Episodes 3 and 4 are well underway: expect to see Jack and Ailsa, as they starting to realise just how deep and twisted the rabbit hole is, early in the New Year.
And beyond that… I’ll just drop the name of the next project, which is HOWTO: Resurrection.
Exciting times!